Monday, July 7, 2014

25 Days of Pop Tarts

This doesn't need much explanation other than that I am a sweets & treats obsessed lady and hey, maybe I'd like to try every flavor of Pop Tart before I die so I can rightly judge which is actually the best flavor (which I suspect is the classic Brown Sugar & Cinnamon). Plus, its like 25 days of Christmas. Every day has a new flavorful present :)

Alas! Lets begin!

Day One: Chocolate Chip (because, well, that's what we had in the house)

 Im opening the silver packaging and I find two lightly, LIGHTLY frosted pastries. They immediately smell like chocolate chips. Bonus. Ill admit, I'm always skeptical of cakes, pastries, cookies, whatever that dont have much frosting, as I am a frosting lover myself. But I will make taste be my ultimate judge.

I slowly break one Pop Tart in half (like they do in freshly baked chocolate chip cookie commercials) and as expected, I find a chocolate filled center. Im biting into the Pop Tart and it tastes exactly like chocolate chips. I like the simplicity of this tart. You can still taste the butteryness of the pastry while enjoying the sugary, chocolatey center. I can imagine myself going for this flavor when I want something lighter and simple. Almost nostalgic, I would say. But there is no real "wow" factor. Thats not a deal breaker. Put one of these in front of me and I will eat it. But I cant imagine it really being the Pop Tart I reach for in the store when in competition with some more advanced flavors.

Welp. Alls well that ends well. Stay tuned!

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