Thursday, July 10, 2014

25 Days of Pop Tarts

Day 4: Chocolate Vanilla Creme

This little guy is part of the Pop Tart flavor flashback series. It's also part of the Birthday Edition!

Fun fact: Pop Tarts were introduced in 1964

Making this the 50th Birthday Edition Pop Tart! Sweeeeet. So for the party, we're having chocolate cake with vanilla icing (practically).

Chocolate & Vanilla. Another classic combo. You can't really go wrong. And Pop Tarts didn't! After the past two days of trying the new pb tarts, Im happy to be back to some classic Pop Tart action. The chocolate crust is not too overpowering. The vanilla creme is just sweet enough. The flavors blend together well, leaving this girl full and focused. oops. wrong product. (see Frosted Mini Wheats commercial).

Until tomorrow!

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

25 Days of Pop Tarts

Day 3: Peanut Butter Pop Tart

The Peanut Butter Pop Tart WITHOUT frosting. I know what you're thinking... "No frosting??" Gross, amiright?

Well, to be honest, this Pop Tart is so rich that it doesn't need any more going for it. It does have a light sugar coating so its not completely naked. Its good. Its very good. But it doesn't feel like I'm eating a Pop Tart. The crust (if you will) is so much richer than any other Pop Tart that its just a different experience.

Delish though. If you haven't tried it yet and you aren't allergic to peanuts, I say give it a try.

Alright, time to watch Mary Poppins. C'ya later!

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

25 Days of Pop Tarts

Day 2: Chocolate Covered Peanut Butter Pop Tart

Pop Tarts gone nutty is exactly what I want. Forever and always. I love peanut butter. I cant get enough of it. So when I saw that Pop Tarts made a couple new peanut butter flavors, I had to try them. And tonight, I did!

My assessment? Delicious. It was very, very rich though. Which really is not a problem for me but this Pop Tart is definitely more of a dessert. The peanut butter filling was super sweet. It's not the peanut butter im used to thats for sure (I love natural peanut butter without all the extra sugar and fats) hahahahah I definitely typed "farts" instead of "fats" a second ago.

I think I need to call it a night.

Great tart yet again. See you all tomorrow!


Monday, July 7, 2014

25 Days of Pop Tarts

This doesn't need much explanation other than that I am a sweets & treats obsessed lady and hey, maybe I'd like to try every flavor of Pop Tart before I die so I can rightly judge which is actually the best flavor (which I suspect is the classic Brown Sugar & Cinnamon). Plus, its like 25 days of Christmas. Every day has a new flavorful present :)

Alas! Lets begin!

Day One: Chocolate Chip (because, well, that's what we had in the house)

 Im opening the silver packaging and I find two lightly, LIGHTLY frosted pastries. They immediately smell like chocolate chips. Bonus. Ill admit, I'm always skeptical of cakes, pastries, cookies, whatever that dont have much frosting, as I am a frosting lover myself. But I will make taste be my ultimate judge.

I slowly break one Pop Tart in half (like they do in freshly baked chocolate chip cookie commercials) and as expected, I find a chocolate filled center. Im biting into the Pop Tart and it tastes exactly like chocolate chips. I like the simplicity of this tart. You can still taste the butteryness of the pastry while enjoying the sugary, chocolatey center. I can imagine myself going for this flavor when I want something lighter and simple. Almost nostalgic, I would say. But there is no real "wow" factor. Thats not a deal breaker. Put one of these in front of me and I will eat it. But I cant imagine it really being the Pop Tart I reach for in the store when in competition with some more advanced flavors.

Welp. Alls well that ends well. Stay tuned!

Tuesday, May 20, 2014


I need to be better about blogging the important things that have been happening.

Like when I lost the company credit card. haha oops


Although, I literally dont understand how that happened. It straight up just fell out of my pocket while I was doing a whole lotta nothing..

Anyway, things I need to get off my chest:

1. Im going through a Reeses Pieces phase. I presume it will not be fulfilled until Ive eaten Reeses Pieces during a movie in the theater because, perfect.
2. I want high waisted jeans and I want to wear those jeans all day every day
3. Im looking for a good copy of Rip Van Winkle to read next
4. Tonight I had bread pudding for dinner and
5. We went to the most fantastic bluegrass, creole, French fiddle concert

so good. so so good.

AND he played a mean accordion and he actually kind of looked like Rip Van Winkle so it all comes full circle.

Off to bed! Goodnight! 

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Biscuits and Gravy

Today we went to the Jeffersonton community breakfast, which is held at the Jeffersonton Community Center- which doubles as a post office. It's a small town, okay? But it's literally so precious. And I have two words for you:


McDonald's biscuits and gravy aint got nothing on Virginia. Its so gross that I even know that.

Guys I have pictures!!!

Two side notes: last night we went shooting. I didnt shoot the gun because I'm a whimp. But I promise I will before I leave. And we had ice cream for dinner last night. My kinda life here.

Okay picture time!!

This is a farm kitchen
This is a farm rug

These are farm chickens. They actually don't respect my personal bubble at all. I'm like, can you back up like half a step?

This is the farm dog. She's the best. I'm kind of in love.
 Tulips ready for market!

 This is Lily of the Valley. Super pretty. Super small.
 Okay I love Ranunculus.
 One of the bouquets Jen made! So beautiful!
 Here it is again!
 We made little bundles of Poppies today! Super cute. Im talking about my hand, not the flowers.

Ranunculus up close and personal

(Pretty sure a bug just landed on my head gaaaaahhhhhhkfhdkalfhdlka)

These are more pretty Poppies that we picked perfectly periodically throughout the past couple days. Oh gawd I'm annoying.

THIS is Viburnum. It's okay, I thought they were Hydrangeas too. Similar but not quite the same! Both fluffy white puff balls, so both high up there on my list :)

(I have to pee but I'm too scared to get out of bed so I'll take the bladder infection thanks)

We'll end with the last of this season's Lilac because I LOVE Lilac and tomorrow is mothers day and Lilac always makes me think of my mom. She had a Lilac bush by our old house and that smell always brings me back to the good old days. 

Tomorrow we get up early (5:30am) for market in Washington D.C. I've never been before so I'm pretty excited!!!

Happy Mother's Day!

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Life On A Flower Farm

A couple things:

I'm very tired right now so I can't turn my funny on.

I'm breathing embarrassingly loud and through my mouth because my allergies have been killing me and my nose is all stuffed up!

I get to drive a golf cart around everywhere here so I basically feel like a hot shot all day.

Today we went to the store and all I bought were Reeses. Typical.

Flower stuffs... today we picked so many things! Anemone, Poppies, Ranunculus, Tulips, Viburnum, Variegated Solomon Seal, Lily of the Valley, Euphorbia, Campanula, and many more! It's okay if you don't know what any of those are because I didn't either just a few days ago!

We also got to arrange bouquets of flowers which is like.. yes.

I promise I will take more pictures. I've been bad about that so far.

Here is A picture... just to wet the palate. Gross.. that expression will not be used by me again.

2nd Corinthians 3:17
"Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom."

Now if you will excuse me, I am going to go eat chocolate cake ;)

Monday, May 5, 2014

Come Alive

Disclaimer: I've never blogged before. But I joke around with myself in my head all the time so its like the same thing, right?

So I'm driving to Virginia to go work on a flower farm (:^D (thats Jorge) and I'm like, "Virginia, is my speed REALLY being patrolled by aircraft? Because I'm not trying to get pulled over by one of your incredibly vigilant cops." Needless to say, I was going under the speed limit anyway because my car is a PIECE.

I got an Arizona green tea for the drive (insert thumbs up emoji) because my dad used to always drink those and collect the bottles and I thought it was the coolest thing in the world for some reason. And I was listening to the new Anderson Cale album Flight, which by the way, is INCREDIBLE. It made me laugh, it made me cry, it made me pray, it made me nostalgic, but most of all it's just incredibly beautiful and timely. And like, track 3 tho....

Today was my first day working on the flower farm and already we picked ranunculus (one of my favorites), poppies, tulips, and we loaded hundreds of viburnum into a van for a delivery which was just like white puff ball heaven. My favorite.

AND GUESS WHAT!? There is a dog here. I can't even. I love dogs. And there is a HUGE orange cat, which is like essential to life. He will have to replace my big, orange cat from home for the time being (Danny if you're reading this, nobody could ever replace you). 

I have so much more I could say but I really should get to bed because I'm 85 years old and can't hardly stay up past 10pm (i'm not really 85) (and honestly I can't hardly stay up past 9:30pm).

I'll leave off with this: You know that moment when your heart comes alive? It doesn't happen often (in this sort of peaceful, purposeful way) but I think it has something to do with your heart aligning with God's plan. Know who you are, know who God is, and look for the things that make your heart come alive.

This ones for you Jared.

Goodnight and sweet, sweet dreams!